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Never heard of DNS?

Banksia Movement is all about DNS, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation. 

DNS is based on the fundamental movement patterns we all optimally did as young babies. Rolling, crawling, squatting, sitting - those movements that gradually, bit by bit got us upright, standing on two feet and walking. 

These movements form the basis of our movement template, it is ingrained within our brain and central nervous system. It's our hardwiring so to speak. 

Of course, as life goes on, so too comes postural constraints and maybe an injury here or there, and then our capacity to perform these movements well decreases, which then begins to effect our everyday movements in perhaps subtle or not so subtle ways. 

By revisiting these motor patterns and increasing our awareness of how our body is moving in space, then making changes to improve our stability or positioning, we can greatly impact our current blueprint for movement. Stumbling across DNS some 8 years ago has been like finding the holy grail in the movement world. 

I have watched it transform clients movements, decrease their repetitive strain injuries, their chronic low back pain, their aching shoulders and headaches. I've seen it improve sporting performance at elite and non-competitive level. Decrease the likilhood of injury, as clients apply the principles and concepts to their other golf, surfing, tennis. 

The problem has been, if you can't visit a physical class, there are no online sessions to access for non-professionals. 

So, we offer this online DNS library with optional add-on support for personalisation. 


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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we gather and pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

©2022 Banksia Wellness Retreats designed by @melindamaree_design

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